Buy Manik Stone online your rashi ratna by date of birth from Khanna Gems
Rashi Ratna A rashi ratna represents a person's month or date of birth. For example, for January born people till 20th Januaryhas garnet gemstone and rest of the people born till 31st January has Amethyst as Rashi ratna by date of birth . The notion of birthstones has certain place in Hindu traditions and belief. Popular for their healing and extraordinary magical properties, they are often worn as jewelry, solitaire or as a pendant. Genuine Birthstones or Rashi ratna or Astrological Stones name many but work is one; giving positive benefits to the wearer as they are associated with the horoscope of a person. Since these gemstones are also associated with the time of birth of a wearer, they are also known as Rashi Ratna by date of birth. In Astrology, the planetary positions at the time of birth of a person predict the future of a person. The Rashi Ratna by date of birth shows immediate effect after wearing it. It reduces the negativity and brings positivity and ...